Hi, I’m Lisa
Love Warrior. Mind Morpher.
Believing in love is a brave endeavor that begins with your openness to grieve the path of resistance and overcome the warfare between love and fear in your mind and heart.

What is the Work?
Your work is in your friendship with, and between your mind and your heart to mend fractals, and multiply them to manifest a more loving life. Manifestation properties lie in an individual’s ability to allow prolific love into all things. LIFE breathes with heartbreak and joy. Learn to believe in love as a way of rectifying the devastating parts of life so our morphing mind can succumb to the deeply innate and cherishable particles of Infinite and Divine Essence (SHRI) always within you.
Who is This For?
You will gravitate toward morphing if you are strongly compelled to free yourself from the pressures of your mind, other people’s views, or old habits and patterns from a multitude of dimensions, including other lifetimes. This journey is for anyone hoping for more freedom to move, think freely, and are open to catalysts motivating and encouraging you to believe in a state of being held by more love from your own heart.
Growing from Trauma
Morphing, in all its forms, arose from my personal experience with physical, emotional, and verbal abuse, and the ties to trauma and abuse in my family lineage.
Trauma can hinder our ability to grow. Morphing is the state of growing freely and is stimulated within our own heart and mind. As we grow from a hindered state, our ability to manifest more loving life features curtails the devastating affects of the impactful injury of physical, emotional, and verbal or mental trauma inflicted by others, and oftentimes, by our own deep rooted belief we are destined for harm.
Love is Not Limited
My understanding of the abuse I experienced came into my life at a young age. Bullying, abandonment or feeling discarded by friends and family, the holding back of love from people I was supposed to trust, all contributed to a severe lack of harmony with the one thing I now know I can rely on; Divine Source within and all around me.
Emulsifying the Truth of Love without Pain
In my mid twenties, I entered a relationship that awakened me to the devastating consequences of physical harm. This awareness helped me avoid entering into another physically abusive relationship, but the trauma from it curtailed into one that became harmful in unseen, quiet, and subtle ways until I decided to leave and was able to look more deeply at the abusive patterns I knew I was meant to sever in my family line.
The work of the morphing mind is associated with properties strictly confining a person’s desire for more love in their life. The nature of these properties can bury and blind us to our true nature of being Human Love, and emulsifies the truth of love without pain.
How do I Help?
I have been given a phenomenal prophecy about how to be more loving toward oneself. With the help of ancient guidance, we can help you deconstruct old belief patterns that are binding you to the belief you are not worthy of life’s grandiosity and generosity.
Our hope for more love insists we take refuge in knowing we are living in a time when all that has kept us from receiving more love in our lives is surfacing, and triggering us to be freed from harmful preferences.
Illuminating Heart Readings
The Details
I harmonize with your energy body focusing on your heart reverberations. This allows me to emphasize a rearranging of the heart chakra energy system to stimulate a higher prevalence and resonance of love fractals within your entire organism. During this time, I receive individualized messages through direct clairaudience and other sense perceptions to channel information about your heart’s truth. This work is done in conjunction with your higher self, and your deep interest in how to live and love more freely.
This is a heart activation. Once activated, a stage I call morphing begins and requires an understanding of how the mind works. Our minds are full of reciprocations. Once the heart opens, it is meant to be propelled upward to have ongoing “discussions” with the mind. The mind initially attempts to discourage the heart’s voice. Here is where we learn to Morph the Mind! When allowing the mind’s reciprocation to fall to the wayside, and elevate the heart’s discretion to flow freely into the fractals of the mind, your mind can and will become more fluid to the direction of the heart.
The Illuminated Heart Readings include channeled artwork:
When sitting for an intuitive drawing with me, I psychically receive an imprint/image of you and locate where you are holding information for me to draw from. As the drawing begins, I intuit feelings about what the energy’s properties are (what they are related to in your emotional body), how the energy wants to flow, and am given guidance about what to talk to you about in reference to familial relationships and how to address mental patterns that may be inhibiting your ability to be worry free. Most often, the energy patterns we find are related to past life experiences or inhibiting familial trauma that stunts your ability to truly grow.
Why do I use drawings?
When I draw in a healing session, my mind travels away from previous insight about a person and softens the logical part of my brain. This alleviates all predetermined directions, notions, and pre existing context for why a person might be coming to see me.
During this type of “loose” brain activity, I can access a timeline portal, I begin to see flaws of energy lines and begin to purposefully draw how those lines of energy are literally calling to be freed from the burden of being trapped.
What do they tell me?
The drawings tell us how these trapped energies are related to anything regarding their lifetimes, past, present, or future. Freeing these energy traps reveals information that will be helpful for retraining the body mind connection to be and feel free from harmful patterns.
Time: 30 min
Cost: $75
Time: 60 min
Cost: $140
If You’re Ready to Dive Deep –
Willful Warriors
Movement and Channeling Package
The Details
Designed for individuals with a willful and free thinking way of living. This treats those with numerous faculties of life, and can unleash parameters with unending devotion to freestyle living. This package includes:
A minimum of 5, sixty-minute sessions that include collaborations between our precious Beings of Light to help guide the way for your true subliminal nature to RISE up, out from under treachery of mental obligation. This is your time to rumble. Sense all of your body, trust, and deliver more freedom to the maladaptation of the morphing mind.
Periodic 30 minute loving warrior conversations to tailor each progressive session for unraveling bonds hindering our bravery to grow beyond compressive belief systems.
Interwoven channeled messages from our Divine Beings of Love to motivate your heart’s worthiness.
Why this package?
Manifest purpose through progression. Your purpose, living purpose. To open to infinite possibilities. To unleash surprising treasures of the heart. Together, we set you free. Together, we build on your direct worthiness of true, inner love. There are stages of morphing. When the heart yearns to grow, it will open to the truth of more love, but our world has created a repertoire of hidden parameters deep in the mind. These false views will taint our heart’s wisdom and keep us from learning to believe in the existence of love on this planet. Healing our mind from partaking in old views takes diligent work toward a new way of living. We are here to show you a newly developed way of arising from the sleep of an old timeframe.
Cost: $855
12-Week Group Program | Movement for Misfits hosted by Confetti Heart Studio
Please email Lisa at lisajknowlton@gmail.com for inquiries. This is currently a live class in Billings, Montana but can be opened up to online classes with enough interest.
Dates for 2024 coming soon!
$450 please pay through Venmo @LisaKnowlton16, click the link below, or contact me for other payment options.
About Lisa, Love Warrior
My fascination with the human form led me to be a very active, observant, inquirer about being human, and I continually learn to love all it is! I have studied thought, form, emotion, energy, and how we express all of these elements throughout our lifetimes. A health nut and philosopher of sorts, I became a yoga practitioner in 1999 and after twenty years as a certified yoga instructor/therapist, I now combine a colorful array of tools individually appropriated to help you develop more loving ways of living! We can express this with movement, voice, frequency shifts that support your growth, personal, private, and hands-on energy influences, or online readings with full engagement between our highest selves to accommodate more free-flowing and willful ways to create an uplifting life!
Frequently asked.
What is Morphing?
Morphing is a natural progression of a souls evolutionary deconstruction of old habits and views. It inherently provides an openness for more freedom to deliver higher energetic frequencies into new and unforeseen pathways. When an instructor helps with this, it is not their priority to uncover these stages, it is yours.
The morphing process is one of sincere and tender transformation. Together, we provoke curtailed pain pockets to rise up from their cellular misconfigurations and reorganize them through breathing, moving, and most importantly, loving the process until the energetics of trauma dissolve like water particles dissipating from the heat of your own prolific love.
The Willful Warriors work includes movement – why?
Intuitive morphing practices are meant to unlock and resolve “pain pockets” from your body. When trusted, and willingly but lovingly freed, your true subliminal nature will RISE up, out from under the treachery of mental parameters. As your body becomes free from harm, the elemental structure of this energetic frequency uplifts harmful and threatening-to-life-force thinking habits.
Is this movement like Yoga?
Not exactly. We are transcending traditional yoga practices and the traditional teacher-student relationship. Instigated by me, developed by you. We are reshaping all that remains hindered by the folklore that yoga asana (poses) are the only way to your freedom.
Do I need to come to a studio?
No. While I do offer in-person sessions… nearly all of our work can be done via Zoom and privately shared custom-created Youtube videos.
More about Lisa
I became a registered yoga teacher in 2000, and continued my education through registered yoga trainings where I accumulated over 900 hours through these certifications. My mentor, the beloved Janice Gates, was involved with the International Association of Yoga Therapists and genuinely mentored me for well over ten years, which led me to being grandfathered in as a certified Yoga Therapist in 2017.
I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science from Montana State University. During my time as a student in the Health and Human Performance program, my focus was in human performance. I wrote my thesis from the standpoint of how yoga practices provide tools for those restricted by depression and anxiety. I was invited by my professors to be a teacher’s aide for the Fundamentals of Exercise Science and Motor Learning labs. After graduation I accepted a position at MSU as a yoga teacher for two semesters until I relocated and started implementing an even deeper evaluation of my heart’s purpose and desire to grow and evolve.
This is how I began developing Intuitive Morphing Practices with my ever loving benevolent Beings of Light!
This is a beautiful dance in disarray. It is not perfect, nor pretty at times. It is a dance between your heart and mind to allow for misfits of the heart to wander freely.
– Lisa
Additional Services
Discovery Call
A 15 minute consultation will help us decide if these holistic services with Lisa are appropriate for you!
Time: 15 min
Cost: Free
Morphing Guidance
Additional help with morphing the mind’s eye. Conscious effort to retrain the brain-mind, and visual stimuli.
Time: 60 min
Cost: $120
Let’s Work Together
Schedule a discovery call to see if we’re a fit.